Timesheets Report

Timesheets Report


0:01 - 0:28

The timesheets report allows you to review and approve time entries by date, member and project. You can choose the date range you are looking at by clicking on the blue date. Examples include last week, last month, this week, this month or any custom date range you want to see. There's a filter at the top that you could click on, if you would like to filter your report by different variables such as people, project, phase, billable or not billable, and more.

0:28 - 1:03

A summary of time entries is calculated in the top right corner based on the select date range and selected filters. Display here are the total hours of time entries, total billable and not billable hours and bar graphs to represent the distribution of unsubmitted, submitted and approved hours. As an admin you can add time entries from this report for any user, for any project, by clicking on the blue plus sign in the top left. You can also modify any time entry by selecting it in the right and then selecting the blue modify button in the top right.

1:03 - 1:19

When viewing this report by a member, you can also choose to do this time either weekly or daily by selecting the word under the timesheets report. The timesheets report can be downloaded if you click the three dots to the right of the report name.


Duplicate Checker

We now have a duplicate checker in the timesheet report. Go to your report, click on the filter button on the top left and select "Duplicate Checker" at the bottom. Click done and select "Show Duplicates" to view any duplicate time entries for the selected time frame. If there are any duplicates, they will appear on the page. If there are no duplicates, it will show a blank page.


0:00 - 0:40

Checking for duplicate time entries just got easier with this new filter. To check your time entries for duplicates, we'll go to the reports section of your Mosaic account and click into the timesheet report. In the top left, we'll go ahead and click on the filter button and down at the bottom we'll go ahead and select the duplicate checker. We'll click done. Clicking on duplicate checker, will click on show duplicates. Any duplicate time entries for this given time frame will then appear on your page. So here we can see for this time frame of October 1st to the 12th, we're all good with no duplicates.


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