Timesheet Status Report

Timesheet Status Report


0:00 - 0:36

The timesheet status report displays time entries throughout the month and automatically reminds staff to enter their time. You can see the staff were on top of their entries and those who need to be chased. In the top left you can sign on what information you would like to view such as the members, the time entry status and the month. Time entry statuses include entered, submitted and approved. The right hand side displays a total amount of hours worked for that week. A red greater than sign means that the member's time entry is for more hours than their capacity.

0:36 - 1:09

A date in red means that the member did not complete filling out their time entries to full capacity. You can also set up recurring reminders for members to fill out their time entries. To do this, click the set reminder button under a member's name and then select the day of the week you would like the notification to go out. Finally you can send Mosaic notifications or emails, if you click where it says incomplete in red under the member's name to remind their user to fill in their time entries for that specific day.


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