Time Projection Report

Time Projection Report


0:01 - 0:30

The time projection report gives you an aggregate of spent and planned time for the upcoming week or month in order to track retainers and or time budgets. First come into your project selector, choose the projects you'd like to view either by selecting entire portfolios expanding those portfolios and picking individual projects or using the search filter up top to find the projects you'd like to view.

0:30 - 1:00

Once you have your project selected you'll see a bar showing you an aggregate of spent and plan time for the upcoming week or month. You can choose what you'd like to display here. So this month or this week you can always choose a custom time frame as well. In the three columns you'll see a breakdown of spent time, plan time and your total here.

1:00 - 1:34

If you hover over the bar it will give you a breakdown of the spend time and plan time for that project you can view these numbers in dollars or you can toggle over to the hours display and view the hours. If you expand the caret next to the project name, you'll get an individual breakdown of each phase of the project and you can expand further to see down to the individual team member level.

1:34 - 2:17

When you're viewing the project in dollars you have the option of viewing this by bill rate or cost rate. Just know that for cost rate that is sequestered to the admin level permissions only. You also have the option of viewing this report by member. You can select your team members the same way you would select your projects and then expand out the team member to see all of the projects that they're on and get an individual breakout of spend time and plan time by project.


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