Time Variance Report

Time Variance Report


0:02 - 0:29

The time variance report will allow you to compare total planned hours against spent hours for a project. First to select your projects. Come to the project selector, you're able to select entire portfolios of projects or expand the portfolio to pick individual projects. You also can use the search bar up top to choose the projects you'd like to see.

0:29 - 0:58

Once you have your project selected, you'll see these yellow and green bars, representing spent and plan time for the project; and these three columns showing you total planned hours, total spent hours and a percentage representing spent hours as a percentage of planned hours. Green indicates a positive variance; red, a negative variance.

0:58 - 1:28

You can expand the caret next to the project name and you'll get this information for each specific phase of the project. Expand further and you'll get that information down to the team member level. By default you'll be looking at all time for that project. You can come and select a specific time frame you'd like to look at or set a custom time frame here.

1:28 - 1:53

If you like to remove projects with no variance, simply select this no variance toggle and those projects will disappear. You have the option of viewing your planned hours against spent hours or using this toggle you can view the estimated budgeted hours against the total spent hours here.

1:53 - 2:27

Lastly come to the member toggle and you can view this report by team member. Select your team members the same way you would your projects and then on this report you'll get all of your team member variances for every project in the allotted time frame. Expand the caret next to the team member name and you'll see all of the projects that they are a part of and the specific variants within each.


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