Demand Report

Demand Report

Demand Report


0:00 - 0:31

How do you know if you need to hire? That's what the demand of report will show you. In the top left, you can select the roles that you'd like to view and you can also update the time frame that you'd like to look at. So right now we're looking at the next week. If we take a look at the project manager this line in yellow is the backlog of work yet to be assigned to a project manager, for example, projects expected to kick off in the next week and the work already assigned to your project managers. The line in gray is the capacity of your PM's to take on that work.

0:31 - 1:05

Wherever the yellow line exceeds the gray you'll see the red hash lines, which tells you that the demand exceeds capacity and you need to look at hiring. Over on the right hand side you can see the total planned hours versus the total capacity for your project managers. You also can use the caret to the left to see your project manager's individual planned and capacity versus your generic roles planned hours. In the top right, you have a summary of your planned hours versus your capacity for all of the roles that you currently have selected.

1:05 - 1:29

You can also look at your projects and see which projects have a demand for project managers. Using the caret on the left, I can now see all of the projects and their total planned hours over on the right hand side. Lastly you can look at your team and see a summarized view of multiple roles that you have selected.

1:29 - 1:59

So I'll go ahead and click two roles. I have director and associates selected you can view this in hours or in FTE headcount. So right now I'm seeing the overages of hours but I also can click on hours in the top left and view this in FTE headcount. So I can see for the week of March 13th to 19th I need about half of another employee to take on this work. This allows you to quickly see where your roles are over planned and how many employees you would need to hire.

1:59 - 2:14

In the top right, you can toggle on unassigned planned hours as well as tentative planned hours and if you had any questions about how to modify your FTE you can always do that in your admin settings.


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