All Projects Report

All Projects Report

All Projects


0:02 - 0:31

The all projects report will allow you to quickly view the key high-level details for any of your projects. First thing you want to do is go into the select projects. Select your project or portfolio of projects that you'd wish to view and hit done. When your list of projects are pulled up, you'll see a few key details including title, status, planned, activity and priority.

0:31 - 1:04

The status column allows you to view the overall status for the project. You can change that status by simply clicking on it, then changing your option here. The plan column represents the plan dates for the entirety of the project. If you hover over this column you will see the plan dates for each successive phase of the project and if you were to expand the project on the left you can see those phases with their dates and their status here.

1:04 - 1:38

The activity column will show you previous spent time and future plan time for the project spent time going back six weeks and plan time in the next two weeks. Hovering over the activity next to the project will show you that time in hours. And lastly the priority column will allow you to sign a priority to the project from low, medium, or high, represented in the gray, yellow and orange flags.


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