What if I archive...? What are the side effects?

Archiving entities can have side effects on other data


  • Archive: No archive option.

  • Delete:

    • Member will be removed from this Discipline.

    • Discipline will be deleted.


  • Archive: No archive option.

  • Delete:

    • Department will be deleted.

    • Member added to this Department in Org settings > Members > Departments will be removed.

    • Department will no longer show on the Org chart.


  • Archive: No archive option.

  • Delete:

    • Holiday will be removed from the heatmap and calendar.


  • Archive:

    • Group Member will be archived.

    • Archive the Member from all Portfolios, Projects, Phases, and Work Categories.

    • Member's Work Plan will be archived.

    • Department Member will be archived.

    • Member Phase Budget will be deleted.

    • Project Tasks Member Assignment will be deleted.

  • Delete:

    • Role will be removed from the Member.

    • Member will be removed from Time Off Policy group, Capacity group, Office.

    • Member will be deleted from all Portfolios, Projects, Phases, and Work Categories.

    • Department Member will be deleted.

    • Member will be excluded from team utilization and team capacity count.

    • Member will be removed from Workload and Planner Timeline.


  • Archive: No archive option.

  • Delete:

    • Member will be removed from this Office.

    • Office will be deleted.


  • Archive:

    • Members in this Phase will be archived.

    • Members in the Work Category under this Phase will be archived.

    • Work Plans in this Phase will be archived.

    • Invoice in this Phase will be archived.

    • Subphases under this Phase will be deleted including billing category Phases.

    • The Budget of Work Categories under this Phase will be deleted.

  • Delete

    • Scope in this Phase will be deleted.

    • Tasks in this Phase will be deleted.

    • Description will be deleted.

    • Work Category Members in this Phase will be deleted.

    • Work Category Budget and Work Category Member Budget will be deleted.

    • Work Plans will be deleted.

    • Invoice in this Phase will be deleted.

    • Subphases under this Phase will be deleted including billing category Phases.


  • Archive:

    • Projects will be archived.

    • Tasks will be archived.

  • Delete:

    • Projects will be deleted.

    • Permission will be deleted.

    • Group will be deleted.

    • In addition, all the statuses, stages, and relationships between Projects and the Portfolio will be destroyed.


  • Archive:

    • Work Plans will be archived.

    • Tasks will be archived.

    • The relationships between the Project and the Portfolio will be deleted.

  • Delete:

    • Project Membership will be deleted.

    • Phases and Work Categories will be deleted.

    • Task Lists will be deleted.

    • Group will be deleted.

    • Notes and Note Tags will be deleted.

    • Description will be deleted.

    • Permission will be deleted.

    • Timer will be deleted.

    • Phase Members and Member Rates will be deleted.

    • Work Category Member Budget will be deleted.

    • Work Plans will be deleted.

    • Skills and Disciplines associated with the Project will be deleted.

    • In addition, all the Task statuses, Project statuses, and Client-Project relationships will be deleted.

TO Policy

  • Archive:

    • Cannot select this TO Policy on Members. No side effects on Members currently using this TO Policy.

  • Delete: No delete option.

Rate Group

  • Archive:

    • Cannot select this Rate Group in the Projects. No side effects on Projects currently using this Rate Group

  • Delete:

    • Rate Group is deleted.


  • Archive: No archive option.

  • Delete:

    • Member will be removed from this Region.

    • Region will be deleted.


  • Archive: No archive option.

  • Delete:

    • Member will be removed from this Role.

    • Role will be deleted.


  • Archive:

    • Skill members will be archived.

  • Delete:

    • Member will be removed from this skill.

    • Skill will be deleted.

Standard Capacity Policy

  • Archive:

    • Cannot select this Capacity Policy on Members. No side effects on Members currently using this Capacity Policy.

  • Delete: No delete option.

Standard Milestone

  • Archive: No archive option.

  • Delete:

    • Milstone cannot be selected in the Projects.

    • Milstone will be deleted.

Standard Phase

  • Archive: No archive option.

  • Delete:

    • Phase cannot be selected in the Projects.

    • Phase will be deleted.

Standard Rate

  • Archive:

    • Cannot select the Rate on the Member.

  • Delete: No delete option.

Standard Role

  • Archive:

    • Role will be deleted and Not available to select this Role when setting Member Standard Role or Project Member Roles and when creating Unassigned Roles.

    • Members added to this Role in Org settings > Members > Roles will be removed. However, existing Member Default Roles, existing Project Member Roles, and existing Unassigned Roles will remain unchanged.

  • Delete: No delete option.

Standard Work Category

  • Archive: No archive option.

  • Delete:

    • Work Category associated with a project will be archived and deleted.

    • Work Category in the rate group will be deleted.

Work Category

  • Archive:

    • Members in the Work Category will be archived.

    • Work Plans in the Work Category will be archived.

  • Delete

    • Work Category Budget will be deleted.

    • Members in the Work Category will be deleted.

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