
January Feature Releases

🚀 Improved performance for handling large volumes of data

Mosaic is fulfilling its mission to be the fastest resource management software available, that being said we've improved our speed times.

🚧 Stay up-to-date on what's to come 

Mosaic is committed to providing transparency on what is to come! That's why we've added our features roadmap to the help center.


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Interested in seeing what's coming to Mosaic in the next coming months? We've added our roadmap to the help center. In the bottom right-hand corner, click on the question mark. Click on get help and more. Click on road map. On the roadmap view you can see all features that will be coming in each quarter. Scrolling down or over to the right and left, you also can submit votes for features. Clicking on the arrow to the left of a feature, it'll ask you to enter in your email address. Once you've entered it you can go ahead and click vote. Features will be prioritized by voting numbers.


✅ Review the status of your CSV Imports 

We've added the ability to review the number of rows added, the number of rows skipped and the ability to delete an import.


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In the import log of your admin settings, we've added two columns of additional data for you to reference after you've uploaded CSV Imports. We added rows imported showing you the amount of members, timesheets, projects, etc that were imported and the amount of rows that were skipped. All the way on the right-hand side, you also can click on the three dots and delete an import.


↕️ Navigate the Workload/Planner with ease

Use the vertical scroll bar on the right-hand side of the workload or planner space.


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We've added a vertical scroll bar to the workload and planner space. On the right-hand side, once you start scrolling you'll see the scroll bar, you can click and drag it up and down. You also have this functionality on the planner space.


❗️Confirmation message when clearing phase dates

We've added a confirmation message before clearing the dates of a phase that have a dependency set.


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When looking to clear the dates of a phase that has dependencies connected to it, we've now added a confirmation pop-up informing you that you'll also be removing the phase dependency. For example I'll go ahead and click on design development. If I click on clear in the top left hand corner I now have a pop-up here that informs me that with clearing the dates I will also be removing the dependency. I'll go ahead and click clear and the dependency is gone, as well as the previous dates that were planned for design development.


🔗  Updating Work Plans just got easier

We now support work plans to be dependent on the work category level. 


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You now have the ability to make work plans dependent on work category dates. You would build a work plan as normal, selecting a project you can fill in your hours as normal. Once clicking into start and end, you can scroll down to dependency. Click add, you're able to decide if you'd like the work plan to be dependent on the work category start date, work category end date or category start and end. I'll go ahead and click start and end. And so here I can see the start and end is pulling from the drawings revision dates rather than the construction administration dates. Click create and you're all set.


🔓 Modify your member's access in the Workload space 

You can easily modify member's access straight from the workload space.


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We've made it easy to modify your members workload access by giving you a space to make adjustments straight from the workload space. In the top left, you can go ahead and click on the eye icon right under the workload title. Here you'll see all of your members with their access level to the right of the member's name. You can click on their current access level and decide if they can edit work plans or view only in this section. You're unable to modify a member's actual access level, however. This section will allow you to decide if they can edit the section or just view it.


🔍 Quickly find tasks yet to be assigned

Filter your task lists to view assigned or unassigned on the project home page.


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Finding tasks that are yet to be assigned to a member of your team has never been easier. We've added a filter that allows you to decide which tasks are showing, whether it's all of your assigned tasks, all of your unassigned tasks or both of them combined. In the top of your screen, you'll go ahead and click on filter. Scroll down to assigned slash unassigned, click done. And then you can decide which you'd like to view. so I'll go ahead and click on unassigned tasks only and I'm just seeing my tasks that are left to be assigned. When working on a project with multiple tasks in it, this is a great way to see what specific tasks still need to be assigned.



👥 Co-manager now available on Org Charts

We've added the ability to set up co-managers in your team's Org Chart allowing you to accurately depict your organization's structure.


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You now have the ability to set up co-managers in your org chart. To do so, you would want to make sure both of your members, for example here Sam and Walter, they both are co-managers. So what I'm going to do is put Walter in Studio B. Sam and Walter are on the same level here, so now hovering over either Sam or Walter's card, I get an arrow to the right. If I click on that and then click add co-managers, it allows me to select Walter and now they're connected as co-managers.


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