What happens if I have duplicated projects?

how Mosaic address and merge duplicated projects

Encountering duplicated projects can create inefficiencies and data discrepancies. Mosaic offers a merging service to consolidate duplicate projects, ensuring streamlined management and data integrity.

During the process of merging, Mosaic will:

  • Transfer:

    • Simply moves data from the unwanted Project to the Project to keep.

    • Moving data may result in updates on related entities move to the Project to keep.

  • Merge:

    • Combines data under the unwanted Project to the Project to keep if duplicate exists.

    • Data combined to those in the Project to keep are deleted.

    • If duplicate does not exist on the Project to keep, data will be transfered from the unwanted Project.

  • Create:

    • Creates necessary data to support transferred or merged data.

    • Typically memberships.

  • Delete:

    • Deleted without consideration of transfer nor merges.

How each data type is being handled?


  • The following data types will be transferred

    • Notes

    • Tags

    • Task Group

    • Task Status

    • Comments

  • The following data types will be merged

    • Phases

  • The following data types will be created

    • Project memberships


  • The following data types will be transferred

    • Calendar events

    • User Activities

  • The following data types will be merged

    • Sub-phases

    • Activity Phases

  • The following data types will be created

    • Project memberships (if appropriate match does not exist on the project to keep)

    • Phase memberships

  • The following data types will be deleted

    • Member positions

    • Member rates

Activity Phase

  • The following data types will be transferred

    • Time Entries

    • Project Tasks

    • Project Scopes

    • Project Scope Requests

    • Activity Phase Schedule Bars (Work Plans)

    • Activity Phase Schedule Bar Requests (Work Plan Requests)

    • Check Ins

    • Invoices

    • User Activities

  • The following data types will be merged

    • N/A

  • The following data types will be created

    • Project memberships (if appropriate match does not exist on the project to keep)

    • Phase memberships (if appropriate match does not exist on the project to keep)

    • Activity Phase memberships

  • The following data types will be deleted

    • Activity Phase Estimations (Member budgets)

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