Budget Modal - Member Management

Manage members in each Phase/Subphase/Work Category

View Project members

Click on the member icon allows you to manage the members of this project, as well as their roles and rates.

How to add members/unassigned roles to the Project or Phases/Subphase/Work Category?

Mosaic allows you to add members to individual Phases and even Work Categories. On Mosaic, the Spent time and Planned time are shown at a cost rate, so the project profit is clear.

Members also get a role, which is tied to their bill rate, or the hourly rate associated with the role.

Expand a phase to see all members under the default Work Categories (No Work Category or Phase Subtotal). At the bottom, click + Member.

Select Add Members or Add Open Roles

Select the Phase/Subphases/Work Categories to add to by clicking the + button. Click Done when finished.

Click Manage Phases to open Project Schedule Modal to edit Phases in this Project.

Select the Members/Open roles you want to add. Click Add.

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Only members in the project can be added to the phase. Members will be automatically added to the project, if they are not in the project yet.

Member Rate and Role

By default, the project is using member rates to calculate project budgets. These rates are shown under the member's name and can be set in the organization settings by Admins.

Learn more on how to set default member rates

Project-Level Rate

You can modify the member's rate directly for this Project here.

  1. Click on the three dots on the member. Click Edit Rate.

    warning icon
    This option is only available if your Project is using Member Rate as default member rates for the Project or the Phase if independent phase rates setting is turned on.
  2. Click +Add Rate to select a new rate for the member.

  3. Select a new rate.

    info icon
    Click Edit Standard Rate to create new rates or edit existing rates' amount or description without going to the Org Settings.
  4. Click Confirm to update the member's rate on the Project.

  5. The rate will be added to the member starting today. If you want the rate to start at a different date, click on the start date to modify it.

Project Role

You can also modify the member's role for this Project.

  1. Click three dots on the member and select Edit Role.

  2. Select a new role. Search the role by name to find it.

    Click Manage Standard Roles to open a new page to Org Settings > Standards > Role.

    warning icon
    Only Admin has access to the Org Settings page.
  3. The role of the member will update on the table. Repeat the same steps for Open Roles.

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