What happen if I archive/delete a member?

Archiving/Deleting a member restricts access

Archiving a Member

Archiving a member can occur at different organizational levels, each triggering distinct consequences and outcomes based on the specific level of archiving chosen.

Side Effects of Archiving an Organization Member

When you archive a member at the organization level,

  • They lose access to the application

  • Their notifications are disabled

  • Their Single-Sign-On feature is deactivated

  • They will be archived from the departments they are in

  • They will be archived from all the Projects and Portfolios

  • They will not show in the Org Chart

Side Effects of Archiving a Portfolio Member

When you archive a member at the Portfolio level,

  • They lose Portfolio permissions

  • They will be archived on all Projects in the Portfolio

Side Effects of Archiving a Project Member

When you archive a member at the Project level,

  • They lose Project level permissions

  • If they are Project Guests or External Contractors, they are also archived from the team

  • They will be archived from the Phases

  • They will be unassigned from all tasks

  • The Projects will be removed from favourites/my projects portfolio

Side Effects of Archiving a Phase Member

When a phase is archived, the associated member becomes archived.

Delete a Member

Side Effects of Deleting a Portfolio Member

  • They lose Portfolio permissions

  • Their Project memberships will be deleted

Side Effects of Deleting a Project Member

  • If they are Project Guests or External Contractors, they are also archived from the team

  • Their Phase memberships will be deleted

  • They will be unassigned from tasks

  • The Projects will be removed from Favourites/My Projects portfolio

  • Their budget information will be deleted from the project and member

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