
A comprehensive overview of all team members' workloads

The Workload section is a comprehensive overview of all team members' workloads. Visualized as a heat map, allowing you to get a quick, intuitive grasp of everyone's task distribution.

You will not see this tab if you don't have Work Planner permission or above.

Viewing Member Workload

Use the arrows on the top to change the date range you are viewing.

Click People on the top to select the team members you want to view.

Click the member row to open a detailed view of their workload.

Add Work Plans

  1. Click +Plan to create a new work plan.

  2. Select the project and member, assign hours, then set the date range. Click Create on the top.

Modify Work Plan

  • Click the Work Plan that you want to modify

  • You can edit the Work Plan project, description, assigned member, hours and date here. Click Done to save the changes.

Delete Work Plan

  • Click the Work Plan you want to delete

  • Click three-dot and click Delete Work Plan

  • Click Yes on the confirmation

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