How to clone a Project?

This feature allows you to create a new project from an existing project.

Project Cloning

The project cloning feature is a pivotal tool designed to streamline project management and enhance efficiency by allowing users to duplicate essential components of a project. This feature supports cloning various items to ensure seamless project replication.

Here's a list of items you can clone:

  • Members or member roles only

  • Tasks and Phases/Subphases, with optional information including priority, time estimate, attachment, dependency

  • Scope, with or without estimated hours

  • Notes

  • Phases/Subphases with workdays, with optional information including dependency

  • Milestones

  • Budgets, including Phase fees and overall budgets

  • Work Plans, with optional information including dependency, tasks, or scopes

Project Cloning Permission

  • You have the ability to clone project items, but only from projects you have viewing access to and into projects you have editing rights for.

  • Additionally, if you are authorized to create new projects, you also have the option to clone into a newly created project.

  • Items that you don't have cloning permissions to will be disabled.

Case 1: Clone to new project

  1. Go to the project you want to clone. Click the three-dot to the right of the project name.

  2. Select "Clone Project." Select "To Existing Project"

  3. Choose the destination portfolio for the cloned project by clicking "Select Portfolio" and select the project items you want to clone.

  4. Click "Clone" when you are done. The project may take a moment to create depending on the number of items that you want to clone.

Case 2: Clone to an existing project

  1. Go to the project you want to clone. Click the three-dot to the right of the project name.

  2. Select "Clone Project." Select "To Existing Project"

  3. Select the existing project to clone to and select the items you want to clone from this current project

  4. Click "Clone" when you are done

  5. A conflict solution modal will show to confirm in case of conflicts which project information should we go with.

    Current project means the project you are cloning from; target project means the project you are cloning to.

    Select the source according to your needs and click "Clone".

  6. The project may take a few minutes to create depending on the number of items that you want to clone.

Note: When any settings and project or phase information are modified on the target project, they are considered unique to that project. Therefore, this information won't be overridden by cloning from other projects.

What will/will not change on the existing target project when cloning?

Will Change:

  • Tags will be merged between two projects

  • Region/Office/Profit Center if not previously set

Will NOT Change:

  • Target project's name/description/project number

  • Project phases/work categories if any fields are modified: dates, date dependencies, budget information

  • Budget setting if previously set

  • Member budget if previously set

  • Project Notes

  • Project Tasks of the same name

  • Project Scope

  • Project Task List

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