Managing Phases and Work Categories of your projects

Make planning for projects easier

On Planner, projects can be selected by clicking "Select Projects" located at the top left.

Any Phases, Subphases, Milestones, and Work Categories planned for this project are visible.

  • Phases and Subphases: Represented by solid color bars with a single diamond icon if there are no Subphases underneath, or a double diamond icon if Subphases are present.

  • Milestone: Represented by a solid color location icon.

  • Work Categories: Depicted as solid color outlined bars that display the Phase/Subphase name with the Work Category name underneath.

To manage project phases, click on the diamond symbol next to the project name. From there, you can add, delete, or edit phases, as well as reorder them.

For more detailed steps on how to add, edit, schedule Phases/Subphases, Milestones and Work Categories, please go to the Project Schedule Modal Collection

Hover on a Work Category bar to see the parent of the Work Category, status and dates.

Hover on a Milestone to see the parent of the Milestone, status and dates.

Hover on a Phase bar with no budget to see status, dates and position of the Phase

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