Modifying Work Plans

Copy, Split, and Delete features help you plan faster

Drag and Drop

Mosaic's Planner allows for easy adjustments to Work Plans using drag and drop functionality:

  • Click and hold anywhere on the bar to drag the entire bar in either direction.

  • Click and hold the "grips" on the end of each bar to extend the start or end date, shortening or extending work plans.

Work Capacity will update instantly. Note that you cannot adjust work plans if they are dependent on phase dates—update the phase dates instead.

Copy, Split, and Delete Work Plans

  1. Hover over the Work Plan and click the three dots to access additional editing options.

  2. Choose from the following options:

    • Copy: Create a new work plan with the exact same information. You can then make any changes needed, such as member, hours, or dates.

    • Split: Divide one work plan into two separate plans.

    • Plan Task: Plan and attach a task to the work plan.

    • Go to Project: Navigate to the project's details page for further information and management.

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