Budget Modal - Progress Tab

Progress tab gives you a visual graph showing spent time, the planned time, project fee, and billing estimates. 

Progress Tab

Here you get a clear visual graph showing spent time, the planned time, project fee, and billing estimates. We show the profit on the invoice versus the spent.

At the top, toggle between viewing the data as a line graph or a bar graph.

The display rate button allows switching between Cost Rate and Bill Rate. Displaying Spent and Planned time using the Cost Rate helps provide clear insight into project profit. Mosaic’s Work Plans or Planned time assist in forecasting profit based on long-term plans.

The Currency button enables toggling the view between currency amounts and percentage values.

At the bottom of the chart, there is a timeline displaying all Phases and Subphases. Click the left and right arrows to see past and future months.

Clicking on the bars to adjustments to dates for the Phases.

Click Plan to set dates for the Phases.

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