All our project reports let you quickly select, filter, and sort to find your projects that are active, scheduled, and have time activity.
Choose the projects to view by selecting individual projects or entire portfolios.
Projects can be grouped by All Projects, Portfolios or Members.
After selecting the projects, columns for 'Status,' 'Planned,' 'Activity,' and 'Priority' will populate.
The 'Status' column displays the project status options: Active, Proposal, Hold, or Completed. The status can be adjusted directly by clicking on the designation. For Proposal status, a percentage can be set.
The 'Planned' column represents the length of the project, from the earliest start date of the Phase or Subphase to the latest end date of the Phase or Subphase.
Hover over the dates to see the total number of active Phases and Subphases in this project, also shown at the bottom of the dates, the percentage of completion and the number of total and remaining workdays.
To edit Phases of this Project, click on the planned column to open Project Schedule Modal like below.
Learn more about Project Schedule Modal
You can expand the arrow next to the project name and see details for all Phases and Subphases under the Project
The 'Activity' column will show you how much time has been spent in the last 6 weeks and planned in the next 2 weeks - both for each project and for each Phase.
The 'Priority' column will let you add status for each project: high, medium, or low
View Project Details
Click the three dots on the project, you will be able to go to the Project in a new tab, add Phases to this Project and view Project information.
Phases and Subphases Details
Click the three dots on a Phase or Subphase, you can view and edit the Phase/Subphase information, add Milestones/Subphases/Work Categories or delete the Phase/Subphase.
The filter on the top enables you to narrow down results based on various criteria such as active or archived projects, project status, client, and priority.
Filtering of the members and projects is completed for ALL REPORTS, and making it easy to drill down on the data you need. In the coming months you will even be able to save multiple filter settings to access various filter settings instantly!