How to unarchive a Phase or Subphase?

How to unarchive a Phase or Subphase?

  1. Click the three-dot icon on the Phase to be deleted.

  2. Click the Delete item.

Click the Delete item.

A confirmation modal will open. Click the Delete button.

Note: If the Phase has Timesheets entries from the past, the Phase will be archived instead of being deleted so that the records are maintained. The assigned Work Plans will be hidden and not be counted towards the workload of the members.

Click Okay if you see this notice modal.

The Phase will disappear from the list if it is deleted. It will be moved to the list of archived Phases if it was archived.

If the archived Phases are not shown, click on the Show Archived toggle to show them.

What happens to all the Subphases under the deleted Phase?

When deleting a Phase there are two options: delete only the Phase and keep its Subphases or delete the Phase and all of its Subphases.

If deleting only the Phase, all Subphases under the Phase will be moved up to the same level as the Phase.

For example, suppose a Phase, Design, has 2 Subphases, Phase 1 and Phase 2.

If only the Design Phase is deleted, Phase 1 and Phase 2 will be moved to the position of the deleted Phase.

If the Phase and all of its Subphases are deleted and a Subphase has Time Entries, the Subphase will be moved to the position of the deleted Phase and archived to preserve the Time Entries.

Note: Archiving a Phase or Subphase will also archive all of the associated Members. After the Phase or Subphase is archived, new Time Entries cannot be added to it.

How to unarchive a Phase or Subphase?

Project Schedule Modal

  1. In the Projects space, click the Phase button.

  2. By default, the archived Phases and Subphases are hidden. Click Show Archived to see all archived Phases or Subphases directly under a parent.

  3. Archived Phases and Subphases will display an archive icon. Click the three-dot menu on the archived Phase or Subphase.

  4. Click the Unarchive item.

  5. The Phase or Subphase will become unarchived.

Budget Modal

  1. Archived Phases and Subphases will display an archive icon.

  1. Click the three-dot menu and click the Unarchive item.

  1. The Phase or Subphase will become unarchived.

Note: Unarchiving a Phase or Subphase will not automatically unarchive all of its Members. You need to readd the Members to unarchive them.

How to hard-delete (permanently delete) a Phase or Subphase?

If the Time Entries on a Phase can be discarded, a Phase may be permanently deleted.

  1. Click on the three-dot menu of an archived Phase.

  1. Click the Delete item.

  1. In this case, all the Time Entries and Work Plans on this Phase will be permanently deleted. Click the Delete forever button.

  1. The Phase is permanently deleted.

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