The Budget Variance Report is an incredibly powerful tool that allows deep understanding of the financial performance of Projects and Members. With this report, original estimates can be compared with actual spending. This information is presented in a clear and concise format, which helps quickly identify any discrepancies and take corrective action.
The Budget Variance Report can be viewed by Members or Projects.
Projects: Use this button to select the Projects you would like to view.
View: Select to view spent budget vs different budget amounts (Project Fee, Project Budget, etc.).
No Variance: This button hides or shows Projects with no variance.
Floppy Disk: This button saves your current view.

For the Planned Time view, the option to view different time periods is available by selecting the All Time button.

View and Modify Project Details
Click on the three dots of a Project. You can go to the Project in a new tab, view Project budget, edit Project information, set Project color, manage Project members and edit Phases in this Project.

View Filter
The shown Projects can also be filtered based on their Phases, whether they are billable or not, and Members or Projects depending on the view.

Filtering of the members and projects is completed for ALL REPORTS, and making it easy to drill down on the data you need. In the coming months you will even be able to save multiple filter settings to access various filter settings instantly!
View More Details
A Project can be expanded to display the budget variance breakdown of its Phases and Subphases. A Phase can be expanded to display the breakdown of its Work Categories and Members.

When viewing the report by Members, the displayed Members can be selected by using the Members selector. A Member can be expanded to display a breakdown of the Projects and Phases that that Member belongs to.

Member View
Click on "Members" if you would like to view this report by member rather than by project. Select the Members you want to view on the tab by clicking Members button on the top

Click All Members to group Members by Departments, Disciplines, Offices, Portfolios, Roles, Regions, Skills.

Filter the list of Members by clicking on the Filter button on the top

Private Projects
Budget Managers with the following permissions:
Budget Manager > Can Edit > Projects they are a Member of
Budget Manager > Can Edit > Projects they are a Project Manager
can only view Projects they have access to (either as a Member or as a Project Manager).
Projects without access permissions will be consolidated into a single row labeled "Private Projects" with the total count displayed. Planned and Spent bars, as well as numerical values, will not be displayed for this row.