The demand report compares upcoming demand for roles against the capacity of staff in those roles to show you when you need to hire or when you need to pursue additional work.
This report reflects capacity for the selected Default Roles. Default Roles are the primary Roles assigned to members on the Org Settings > Members > All Members tab.
Note: Members can have additional roles assigned for informational purposes, but these non-default roles are not considered in this report. Only the member's default role determines their inclusion in the capacity calculation for this report.
Select the role(s) you would like to view by clicking Select Roles. Click +Add Role to add new standard roles in organization settings (only admin can do this).
Click Save after selecting the roles.
Along with the dates you would see
The yellow line = planned time for named resources + placeholder resources.
The grey line = that role's capacity to take on that work.The hours on the left show total hours planned for that role and hours on the right show total hours available for that role.
Click the dates on the top to change the time frame of the report.
You can expand a role to see all members in that role and how they make up the role's overall capacity.
Note: Archived projects will now show in this report
In the top right you will the overarching hours for the roles you currently have selected.
Allows you to view which projects are making up those planned hours for a given role.
You can expand each role to see the projects that have planned hours contributing to the role's total planned hours.
Private Project
On Member and Project tab, Work Planners with the following permissions:
Work Planner > Can Edit > Projects they are a member of
Work Planner > Can Edit > Projects they are a Project Manager of
can only view projects they have access to (either as a member or as a Project Manager).
Provide you with a visual overview of the demand all roles (or selected roles) over a period of time.
Open Role - show/hide Work Plans assigned to Generic Resources
Tentative - show/hide Tentative Work Plans
Use the date filter to view Demand for the next 12 weeks or the next 12 months, ensuring if you need to hire that you have a sustained need for that new hire, or see when demand peaks.
You can view the role demand report by hours or FTE (full time equivalent) headcount. FTE headcount will show you demand in terms of how many employees it would take to handle current demand.
Filtering of the members and projects is completed for ALL REPORTS, and making it easy to drill down on the data you need. In the coming months you will even be able to save multiple filter settings to access various filter settings instantly!