Budget Overview

Budget Overview


0:01 - 0:35

A project's budget is the estimated cost associated with the project. When viewing the project, click budget to view the project's budget. This might be hidden and if it is you can show it by clicking on the three lines here. From here you can see an overview of your project's budget. If you want to see a more detailed budget breakdown, click edit budget here. Once here you will notice there are four columns: budget, spent, planned and remaining.

0:35 - 1:02

Budget is used to account for profit and to front load or backload fees. Spend time are the hours that were actually worked coming from the timesheet. Plan time are the work plan hours that have been scheduled from today going forward. Remaining time is budget minus spent minus planned to let you know how many more dollars or hours you have to schedule for that project, phase or member.

1:02 - 1:36

If you hover over the pie chart on the top right, you can see where you are currently at in your project's budget. You can enter in the budget or the phase fee by clicking on the blue number next to each phase. If you expand any phase, you can see each member who has been added to that phase, what their budgeted dollars or hours are for that phase, the amount of time they have actually spent working on that phase, the amount of time they have planned for that phase and the remaining time they have for that phase.

1:36 - 2:03

You can also toggle between dollars and hours here. Clicking on the lightning bolt under someone's remaining time will automatically create a work plan for that member for that phase. The work plan will default to the remaining hours and the remaining date range of that phase. It will be the whole phase if the phase has not yet started.


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