


0:00 - 0:31

The dashboard space allows you to create many report views that can be shared with members of your team. Clicking on the three dots, to the right of the dashboard name, will allow you to create a new dashboard, share the dashboard with your team members or delete the dashboard. You can then add widgets to the dashboard by clicking the blue add widget button to the right. Widget show you quick glimpses of certain reports and remain saved on the dashboard.

0:31 - 1:05

After you pick the widget you can then customize it by applying which filters you would like to display. Once updated select, create in the top right corner to finalize the widget. You can then edit the description of the widget or remove it by clicking on the three dots in the top right-hand corner of the widget. Finally you can have multiple dashboards simply select between them via the drop down arrow next to the currently selected dashboard name.


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