Workload Space Tutorial Video

Tutorial video on the Workload Space

Workload Settings


0:01 - 0:28

You can get to your workload settings by clicking on the settings button in the top left corner of your screen, when viewing workload. As you can see all of these settings are personal that means that these settings will only affect your own workload space. So you do not need to worry about messing up someone else's preferences. Work plan hours display sets of your capacity heat map will show the total hours assigned to a user or their percent capacity.

0:28 - 1:00

You will also see that if you select total hours, you can also change it to say available hours. Work plan locking sets where the lock will default to when creating work plans, either on the total hours or hours per day. Don't worry too much about what you are picking here as it is very easy to toggle the lock between the two when creating or editing your work plans. Enabling the check mark at 100 capacity will show you a check mark in the capacity heat map when at full capacity rather than 100 percent.

1:00 - 1:33

Enabling default full weekly planning will default the work plan to be scheduled in weeks, like the work plan hour locking setting, it is very easy to toggle this on or off when creating orediting your work plans. Showing the timesheet time allowed a small number in the capacity heat map in the top right corner to the days that have time sheet entries submitted to them. Disabling the capacity heat map will remove it from your workload space. If you hover over each color to the right of the capacity map settings, you can see what each color represents. You can also edit the colors of the heat map.

1:33 - 1:51

If you click edit, you can reverse the colors. If you feel that green should be available and red should mean capacity or you could also pick from single color shades. Finally, admins have the ability to edit member capacities and holidays from here as well.


Updating Members Workload Access


0:00 - 0:35

We've made it easy to modify your members workload access by giving you a space to make adjustments straight from the workload space. In the top left, you can go ahead and click on the eye icon right under the workload title. Here you'll see all of your members with their access level to the right of the member's name. You can click on their current access level and decide if they can edit work plans or view only in this section. You're unable to modify a member's actual access level, however. This section will allow you to decide if they can edit the section or just view it.


Tasks - Estimated Hours


0:00 - 0:34

You can now assign and view estimated hours for tasks associated to a work plan. If I go ahead and click into this Project A work plan here, in the top right I'll click on tasks, click on to edit tasks. Now I can see my time estimate on each of these tasks. So if I go ahead and add both of these tasks to this work plan here, I can enter in the amount of hours estimated as well

0:34 - 0:57

I can click add to assign them to my work plan. Now I have a total amount of hours that it should take for me to finish this work plan based on the two tasks that I've assigned. The total task hours helps you assign how many total hours of work plan will need to be. When adding in all of the tasks that are needed for this specific work plan.


Adding Work Category Dependencies to Work Plans


0:00 - 0:39

You now have the ability to make work plans dependent on work category dates. You would build a work plan as normal. Selecting a project, you can fill in your hours as normal. Once clicking into start and end, you can scroll down to dependency. Click add you're able to decide if you'd like the work plan to be dependent on the work category start date, work category end date or category start and end. I'll go ahead and click start and end and so here I can see the start and end is pulling from the drawings revision dates rather than the construction administration dates. Click create and you're all set.


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