


0:00 - 0:29

The home space is a great place for your team members to get started with Mosaic. From here you can manage your tasks, see notifications for all your projects, view your calendar and work plans, log your, time and more. The notifications tab will show you all of your notifications. Notifications include being assigned to a project task, being marked as complete, when you get tagged and comments and more. When you hover over the notification, you can mark it as read or click in it to update it and add additional notes.

0:29 - 0:58

At the top, you'll see Mark all as read, which will mark all of your notifications as read. The check-in tab is the place for you to keep your team up to date on the work that you have been doing on a project. It will show you all the work plans that you have for that day and for how many hours you should be working on each. If you hover over the hours, you'll see a play button that says start timer. Clicking this will start your check-in timer.

0:58 - 1:27

You can then stop the timer, once you are done by opening up the green timer in the top right. The task tab is one of the most beneficial tabs of the home screen. This tab will show you all of your open tasks. You can also choose to view your tasks in either a daily or a weekly planner view, by clicking on the planner button on the top.

1:27 - 1:58

You can also create new tasks from here by simply clicking add task at the top of all your tasks to create the new task. The workload tile will show your capacity for the current week and a snapshot of your current work plans. Clicking into this section will show your work plan for the next two weeks. From this space you can update your work plans just as you would from either your workload or planner spaces by clicking into the work plans.

1:58 - 2:27

Clicking the blue send button in the top right, allows you to send your weekly work plan summary to yourself via email. You also can include to send it to other people. Clicking into the calendar tile will show you your daily items planned over the current month. These items include phase end dates for project you were a part of, milestone end days for projects you're a part of, company-wide holidays and days you are taking PTO.

2:27 - 3:03

Clicking on the arrows on either side of the month and the year will skip to previous or future months. tThe timesheet space is where you can log your spend time for your projects. From here, pick the project the phase relevant work category, a description and the hours worked for that date. Clicking on the settings icon to the right of where it says timesheet in the top left will take you to your timesheet settings.

3:03 - 3:27

From here, you can select how to group your time entries, if you want Mosaic to add time estimates, last week's projects and suggested projects. You can then submit your timesheet entries by clicking on the arrow in the bottom left for each day. The projects tile will give you a comprehensive view of all the projects that you are a member of.

3:27 - 4:02

You can then click the double arrows to expand a project to see more information about the project, such as the phases and the phase dates. Clicking on the three dots the left of the project name will allow you to go to the project, view the phases or view the project info. You can also update the status of your phases from here and set the phase dates as well.

4:02 - 4:45

The completed tab will show you all of your completed tasks. You can see all the familiar details for the task as well as the date that was marked as completed. If you wish to mark task as incomplete, simply uncheck the circle to the left of the task. Finally the assigned by me tab will show you all the tasks that you have created and assigned to yourself as well as other teammates. Again you could see familiar task details such as priority and schedule. Additionally you can see who you assigned a task to in the assignee column. Click the circle to the left of the task to mark it as complete and then you could click the check box on the right to see additional task options.


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